Christina & Andrew | Engagement

I went to high school with Christina and Andrew, so it had been about 10 years or so since I had seen them.  I reconnected with the two of them on Facebook and I must say, I am so very glad we did.  Meeting up with Christina and Andrew downtown Ann Arbor, where they both attended school at U of M, was so great and I can’t believe the amount of fun I had.  As you’ll see from the images, they are such a fun couple and really love and enjoy one another’s company.  The bond they share is so evident and I loved hearing, “I love you,” come from both of their mouths every now and then.  I don’t know what it was, but it was just such a great session and I feel like I really “got” them.  After shooting for a couple hours, I insisted we go to my favorite restaurant, Eve for a little wine and apps.  Christina and Andrew moved to the Bay area about a year ago, so it’s not everyday they’ll get to go to Eve, so I though what better time to do so.  While eating and drinking, I got to find out more about them and their engagement story and I just really appreciated them sharing stories with me and allowing me to photograph them.  I am so blessed to have so many wonderful couples like Christina and Andrew.  Thank you to you both for being so great to work with, as you know, I had a blast!


“Did you say _ _ _ thy?!?”


We found the perfect size bench for Andrew 🙂








I love all the smiles!




Gotta make sure her man looks good.








Your LEFT arm 😉






Love these next two…










Mmmm, love that light!




One second they’re looking at each other like this…


And the next, they’re doing this 🙂









Love em…





  • Christina & Andrew - Dustin,
    We LOVE these pictures! The captions were great, and were exactly how we remembered the evening. We’re back in the Bay Area now, miss MI, and can’t wait to talk to you about working together for the big day. We can’t thank you enough!

  • Kelly Braman - I love this session, friend! The light is gorgeous and it looks like you captured their true personalities! Great job!!!

  • aruna b. - love that wall/loading dock in kerrytown!!! great stuff dustin!

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