Well today I was supposed to host my Tasty Light Seminar, but was not able to do so, due to some of the photographers not being able to make it.  I still hooked up with a few photographers to do the photo shoot, as I still wanted to get out and play a little.  Jackie BlairRachael Brinton, and Lauren came downtown Ann Arbor to do a couple hours of shooting.  It was fun, but not the best photographically in my opinion.  I don’t know why….maybe it was the light or wind or something, but I wasn’t necessarily ‘feeling’ it today.  I got a few shots that are ok and I’m cool with that…I was just happy to be able to get together with some people and shoot for the sake of shooting.  Lauren and Rachael also got a few of me jumping and shooting and whatnot and I gotta say, even though I think I look a little heavy, I like being in front of the camera sometimes.  My sister Jen, and her husband Tony modeled for us…thanks you two!  


 My sister…ain’t she purdy!?!




 Me in action… 


 Me really in action…thanks to Lauren for this sequence!  Yes, that’s $6k in my hand…Mike Larson throws his camera in the air, so….


 A better example of my ‘ups’…this white boy can jump!  I held my high school long jump record for 7 years (22′ 1″…the previous record, 21′ 8″, was set the year before I was born) as well as a few others and I also cleared 6′ 3″ in the high jump when I myself was only 5’7″.  I gotta say, I do miss jumping…





  • Jackie Blair - i like the butt shot & the texture on it. I was feeling the shoot, especially once I got going a little but maybe you were a little more used to the location & models. ps….the pic of you shooting says “shes a lady” behind you on the wall…hah. I will post a sneak peak soon…I meant to do it Saturday but I ended up driving all the way to port huron after my second shoot, ….I needed a break. =)

  • Wendy - You do got ups, D! I only jumped 5’4″!!! Cool shots! Where are you?? Love the sequence shots and use of color- very cool! Looking forward to the real Tasty Light!

  • Amy - Hi Dustin,

    I came across your blog and website from a flickr thread (I was searching for reviews on Kubota’s actions)and thought I’d check it out–love seeing other photoblogs! I love love love your images! They are crisp, fresh and very eye catching! I’m trying to break into the business (wedding and family portraiture) and am slowly building up a portfolio–need more people to practice on!

    Anyways, just saying hello–I’m going to add this to my blog and check back periodically! Thanks for the inspiratation!


  • arnab sen - hi
    the butt shot is too good. blended with love and sex. using such a vibrant backdrop in some other is grt.

That’s his name!  This morning at 10:39, he entered this world…albeit a little early.  Everest weighed in at 6lbs. 7oz. and was about three and a half weeks early.  Boy is he a cutie!  He is makin’ his momma and poppa very proud, as well as the rest of the family.  Kassy and I went to see him twice today, I mean we couldn’t go just once!  I’m looking forward to getting to know the little guy and lord knows he is going to be one spoiled little boy. 


 Here he is!



 Momma and baby with daddy lookin’ on…


 This word had a whole new meaning today…


 Uncle Dustin


 He opened his eyes for a little bit for Aunt Marie.


 Aunt Kassy.


 Everest even has that new baby smell!



 Unfortunately, this is going to be what he’ll have to get used to with two photographers in the family!






 He is one cute baby! 

  • Anna - What a gorgeous baby! Good job Jess and Rich! I can’t wait to see him!

At least I think that’s what my dad calls it (right dad?).  I ran out of cologne last week and I wanted/needed to get some more, so I went on over to my local Macy’s yesterday afternoon on my lunch break and found a fragrance I really love.  I wanted a clean, citrusy scent that was still ‘manly’.  I found just that in a cologne called Set Sail South Seas by Tommy Bahama.  I love it!  To me, it’s the male version of Sarah Jessica Parker’s Lovely…which is easily my favorite perfume.  It’s described as; “A refreshing blend of citrus balanced with watery nuances, hints of rum, and soft woods.”  It even comes in a sparkly bottle.  Everybody needs a little smelly stuff to make them feel good…oh yeah, and smell good.  Check it out! 



For all you photographers out there, Adobe just released Lightroom 2 BETA for download. The release was made at Photoshop World (naturally) and looks to be great. I’ve downloaded it and used it and have a good handle on all the new features. I know this is going to get much better, as Adobe, like Apple, is one of those great companies who listens to it’s consumers. The localized corrections panel, just is so powerful and useful and really strengthens how awesome Lightroom already was. There are other very useful features, but this, is the best and strongest. The main reason I am so excited for this, is it will allow me to create even better images quicker than before…alright!