Hey all…I am still alive. I’ve had some headache problems the past two weeks or so. It has something to do with my eyes. Not that surprised, because I sit in front of a computer for at least 8 hours Monday-Friday. I have a doctors appointment on the 11th to see what I need to do. I’ve been trying not to be in front of the computer as much and that has helped some, but I’m still getting these weird headaches. I will blog something real….soon. Later…
As you know, today is Valentine’s Day. I wanted to wish you all a happy day and hope you are in the best of spirits on this fine day. I also wanted to say hi to my sweety. Hi sweety! I couldn’t dream of a more perfect Valentine or bride, than you. I’m so excited for our big day. I love you babycakes!
MY Valentine!
I love you!
What a fantastic picture! Love it.
Thanks for the comments! The workshop was great- I really enjoyed being down there for a week. I only really followed a little of Davina’s work so I learned a lot about the other girls who were sooo sweet and helpful. Kelly was my mentor & I thought Lauren was really cool because we are about the same age. I can’t believe how much she has already accomplished! and Millie was HILARIOUS. It was totally worth going to and Lauren had some great PS tips! Loved it!
Back in May, I went to Chicago to attend Pictage’s Partner Conference to network and rub elbows with some of the biggest names in the wedding photography industry. The Conference was filmes by the uber talented Ron Dawson of CinematicStudios whom created a few short promotional videos. I am in a couple of them which isn’t that big of a deal, but in one, the famous Mike Colón gives me a little intro. For those of you who know me, you know I like to have fun and make people feel comfortable, so check out my “Jenny Walk” around the 29 second mark of the video. I did this in front of the 50 of us that went out to dinner. I had a blast at PartnerCon and if there is one in Chicago again this year, I’ll definitely be there! Enjoy!
Back in July, my nephew, Gavin spent some time with my mom and I at my mom’s. My mom (grandma) grows carrots in her back yard for Gavin and when Gavin visits, he checks on them and samples some of the goods. While there, Gavin caught a baby frog and kept it in a container for a few hours before letting it go. He also brought over his Thomas The Train bike and we raced. Then we played around with this huge pink ball, which was the most fun by far.
Gavin and his produce…this must have been the smallest carrot I’ve ever witnessed anyone trying to consume.
Gavin the bug-catcher.
Gavin’s froggy and his creative way of releasing it back into the wild or should I say mom’s flower garden.
Lets ride!
Oh we had a ball…a big pink ball!
Photos shot with a Canon 5D and 50 f/1.4. wide open.
LOVE the one with the frog in mid air. How cute is that??? Also loving the blur behind the bike. Great capture!
Wendy - Miss your pics!! Keep ’em coming!